A couple of months ago I realised that two ginger cats had taken up residence under my house and in the carport. A fortnight ago it came to my attention that they had four kittens. Very cute. But like me, they have to go. So I called the SPCA. The friendly man is going to drop a trap (with instructions) around in a couple of days. The kittens (if caught) can be raised and fostered out. The fate doesn't look so good for their parents. I will aim to keep you updated on the kitty catching.
Radovan Karadzic faces charges of forced repatriation and murder.
ReplyDeleteYou'll need to do a happy post next, before your readers start reading The Wine Guy instead - not that he ever updates his blog.
ReplyDeleteI imagine, The Wine Guy, like me is busy packing and moving and has little time for hobbies such as abusing Richard (of RBB).
ReplyDeleteI have dedicated most of my life to abusing Richard (of RBB). A little thing such as moving house and changing a whole way of life doesn't get in the way of that - just the difficulties of arranging internet service in rural locations.