Saturday, November 6, 2010

Interesting points of note from the UK this week.

Image from here

1. Every street bin in Brighton and Hove has a sticker on it warning people not to go to sleep in the bin, as it could endanger their lives.

2. The Sport 'newspaper' keeps a tally on page two of how many images of topless women it has published that week. By Thursday, when I was perusing through a copy at the laundrette, it was up to 23. The Sun had only managed one and The Guardian appeared shameful at zero.

3. Eastenders is actually a very clever TV show, and I am fast becoming a fan. The BBC has a website called iPlayer where you can watch over the internet (and in some cases download) any show that was on the telly on BBC in the last week.

4. Some towns in Britain were known for their beautiful cobbled streets. But now, many of these streets are being ripped up because coucils are having to pay out thousands in compensation to people who have tripped up and injured themselves.

5. I am generally against most things the UK government is doing, and generally against any cuts in education. But I am actually liking the proposed idea of capping the pay of head teachers (Principals to you antipideans) so that it is never more than that of the prime minister's. Although I should investigate this further- how much money are we talking about?


  1. Perhaps we could keep a weekly tally of how many scantily ladies Twisted Scottish Bastard has on his blog each week.

  2. "Fflur said...
    Perhaps we could keep a weekly tally of how many scantily ladies Twisted Scottish Bastard has on his blog each week."

    You want more?

    Nice to see you posting again Nicola. Goodness, I really don't miss living in the UK.

    Have fun.
